Category Archives: Artificial Intelligence

Google AI image watermarking tool

Spot The Fake: Google Launches New Watermarking Tech

Generative AI is at its peak. Using it has become so normal that content originating from it can be found all over social…
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Critical SEO Trends to Know in 2024 bitvero digital marketing company

Critical SEO Trends to Know in 2024

SEO is changing with time. Some strategies that worked previously may not work in future. With the development of AI, some new SEO…
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Google’s Gemini is incapable of generating people’s images. Here's why! bitvero digital marketing company

Google’s Gemini is incapable of generating people’s images. Here’s why!

If you ask Gemini, aka Bard, to generate an image of any person or humans, it will refuse immediately. I asked it to…
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OpenAI To Show Content & Links in Response to Queries Is it good news for SEO

OpenAI To Show Content & Links in Response to Queries: Is it good news for SEO?

The biggest nightmare of online publishers since ChtaGPT came into the picture was how badly their work would go in vain. I mean,…
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How to Use Bard AI

How to Use Bard AI? A Step-By-Step Guide

A Google’s counterpart to ChatGPT, Bard is a generative AI model developed to respond to human queries in text form. It is a…
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5 Best AI Image Generators You Can Try in 2023

5 Best AI Image Generators You Can Try in 2023

With the growing rise of artificial intelligence in every field, AI image generation has also become a trend. Whether a hero image for…
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The opportunities challenges of AI in digital marketing

The opportunities & challenges of AI in digital marketing

AI is the new normal! People are embracing AI technologies at a very fast pace. From virtual assistants like Alexa & Siri to…
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Dall-E 2

What is Dall-E 2: How does it work?

Dall-E is a generative AI technology just like ChatGPT. However, instead of generating texts, as in the case of ChatGPT, Dall-E 2 generates images from…
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AI Content Writing Risks

AI Content Writing Risks – Unspoken Consequences You Need to Know

Recently, a fake image of an explosion near the Pentagon USA went viral on social media, creating a sense of panic among people…
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AI Content Detector Tools

Top 10 AI Content Detector Tools for 2023

With the rise of the usage of AI chatbots, distinguishing between content generated automatically and content created with all human effort is becoming…
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